Analyze Pages without leaving Facebook with our new Chrome Extension

One big advantage of using Fanpage Karma is our analytics flatrate. No matter what paid version of Fanpage Karma you’re using, you always can analyze as many profiles/pages as you like. That’s great for creating a com

Junkfood and Olympics – Top Facebook Posts Week 8

Yesterday the olympics ended. With Russia claiming first place and the US squad disappointing by losing against Canada one might assume that most English speaking Facebook users would just ignore the event. But that’s

Graph to Image with One Click

We really like the little things. Of course, big feature updates are important, too, but when it comes to making a tool more user friendly size doesn’t really matter. And we even think it’s safe to say, that these small

Olympic Games?! Not Really… – The Facebook Top Posts Week 7

Stay awake & enjoy life – Energy Drinks on Facebook

They are supposed to keep you awake and make you feel energized. Some people don’t drink anything else anymore. Energy Drinks are way more than simply beverages by now: they are a lifestyle, to most people they represent

Sports and Patriotism – The Top Post Week 6

The top posts of this week have a vast amount of different topics. Unlike expected, the olympics play a rather unimportant role. Even though the U.S. having won multiple medals already, barely any posts can be found.

The most popular alcoholic beverage – American Beers on Facebook

This week we analyzed the pages of various american beer brands. We created a list of the 30 biggest Facebook pages of american beers, but due to the fact that we aren’t from the US ourselves it’s hard for us to tell whe

6 free tools for awesome (info)graphics

Social media people love pictures. And with stock image distributors like Getty or Shutterstock it’s pr