was string last week, but this it is on the first place! What do they do right? We never thought grandparents would be a perfect fit on Facebook… 🙂
Enjoy the Top Facebook Posts of The Week
Calculated by Likes, Comments and Shares per fan. German version here.
“hmm… Yayareasfinest Draft Packs Premium Sportswear CityLeagueHoopsTV Dunkademics Crusader 22 Productions and last but not least, Michael Jordan. #ComeAtMeBro”
3,547 Likes, 15,060 Comments, 2,453 Shares by 63,678 fans
“Stereogum posted their Top 10 Bright Eyes songs. So many to choose from! What are yours?”
2,912 Likes, 391 Comments, 1,031 Shares by 13,233 fans
“Who wants to win this HUGE basket filled with goodies?? You must be a fan of 45 Minute Skinny and SHARE this status publicly to enter!! ♥ We will pick a random winner on May 7th!! This would make an awesome Mother’s Day Gift! <3 If you are interested in purchasing any of these awesome products, visit my site:”
4,837 Likes, 1,987 Comments, 21,253 Shares by 120,185 fans
“William Levy wants to seduce your taste buds with his acting and the unbelievable taste of Pepsi NEXT. Click to get yours now: http://”
27,033 Likes, 1,039 Comments, 2,589 Shares by 148,791 fans
“Hey Chief. The Clash Off contest returns tomorrow! If this post gets 5000 likes, we’ll double the prize, so LIKE this post if you want a chance to win 2,000 gems!!! Contest details tomorrow…”
34,749 Likes, 2,067 Comments, 539 Shares by 254,526 fans
“We’ve announced our top 101 things to do in England before you go abroad! It’s now time for you to make your own bucket list! How many have you already completed? Find out in our latest app:”
23,811 Likes, 234 Comments, 545 Shares by 190,310 fans
“Republicans are gathering in Dallas for the opening of the George W. Bush Library. Sign the letter to thank W for his service to our country!”
153,915 Likes, 19,468 Comments, 8,876 Shares by 1,184,728 fans
“(M) What an awesome thing to do! Thanks to Surly Thor for this. Become a fan of his page, and let him know we sent you. Posted on the Being Liberal fan page.”
67,983 Likes, 2,992 Comments, 21,478 Shares by 662,707 fans
“BREAKING NEWS: Today, April 24, 2013, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) introduced the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act, which would require the labeling of all genetically engineered (GE) foods at the federal level. Tell your Senators and Representative to support the GE food labeling bill! MORE INFO HERE”
792 Likes, 60 Comments, 1,820 Shares by 19,327 fans
“Stephen Colbert was kind enough to share his birthday greeting on our site. “Happy 80th Birthday, Willie Nelson! You may be 80, but you still have the pigtails of a 13-year-old girl. I want to know what your secret to longevity is–and frankly, so do the cops.” Join him, share your message for Willie, and see lots more contributions at!”
3,683 Likes, 317 Comments, 3,052 Shares by 53,415 fans
“DID YOU KNOW these things about Open Range? Stoney Elder Dale House performed a special spiritual ceremony for Kevin Costner before filming began. The event is shown on the second Open Range DVD disc. Originally the studio had Kevin Costner top-billed over Robert Duvall, but Costner asked the studio to top-bill Duvall instead. Boss keeps calling Percy (played by Michael Jeter) “Old Man”. But Robert Duvall, who plays Boss, is actually 21 years older than Jeter, who was only 51 at the time the movie was made. Kevin Costner turned down Kill Bill: Volume 1 to film Open Range.”
2,772 Likes, 630 Comments, 442 Shares by 10,531 fans
“In Watertown yesterday when everyone was ordered to stay indoors during a manhunt for a Marathon bombing suspect, one family asked if they could go get milk for their 16 month-old son. A policeman said no, but returned to the house delivering two gallons of milk from the store. The toddler’s father told Reddit-user ZanePerry that the cop was very humble and would not want the publicity. But posting the photo without permission gave the rest of us an “Aw-shucks” moment of warmth for the law enforcement community of greater Boston. READ MORE:”
6,889 Likes, 283 Comments, 1,221 Shares by 32,096 fans
“Chicago Tribune sends Boston Globe newsroom pizzas: “We can’t buy you lost sleep, so at least let us pick up lunch””
1,928 Likes, 62 Comments, 2,059 Shares by 16,584 fans
“We thought this was pretty good.. CNN Host Piers Morgan wrote an op-ed stating that if the U.S. DID NOT change its gun laws he would deport himself. ‘LIKE’ if you think Piers Morgan should keep his word!”
80,407 Likes, 10,455 Comments, 5,135 Shares by 676,522 fans
“All the living Presidents and first ladies (minus Nancy Reagan) at the George W. Bush Presidential Library opening today. ‘LIKE’ if you agree –> Bush was hammered by the media, he deserves this honor”
92,056 Likes, 6,720 Comments, 6,761 Shares by 1,220,161 fans
“Diane Sawyer: “Do you miss all of us?” President Bush: “No. Well, I miss you as a person, but I don’t miss your profession.” Video: Good response from Bush?”
34,391 Likes, 3,377 Comments, 3,048 Shares by 487,188 fans
“Scholarships4moms is helping Mothers go back to school and earn their degree. Click here to apply for a $10,000 Scholarship!”
22,428 Likes, 247 Comments, 14,186 Shares by 270,204 fans
“LOVE this ♥ what a Great Mother’s Day memory to make together ♥ 1/2 c salt 1/2 c flour 1/4 c water ( give or take ) mix together, roll, press adults hand in first, then childs hand 🙂 bake @ 100 degrees for 3 hours”
6,257 Likes, 326 Comments, 27,744 Shares by 295,465 fans