We checked beauty brands on Facebook and analyzed 50 pages in the past three months. This time the ranking is open. If you miss a page, just comment below and we will add it to the ranking.
Who has the most fans?
The page with the highest number of fans is Dove (19.6 M), Dior comes second with 12.5 M, Chanel on three with 10.2 M, Mac Cosmetics has 6.2 M and Nivea 5.1 M. In average all 50 pages have 1.9 M Fans. That means there are a lot of people liking cosmetic and beauty brands on Facebook. But do they engage with the pages as well?
The engagement is on average at 0.2%, that means the pages are getting 0.002 reactions per fan per day. Smaller pages like Josie Maran Cosmetics (1.2%), BeautiControl (1.2%) and Artistry (1.2%) are performing best. On place four comes Mary Kay with an engagement rate of 1.1% and 1.4 M fans.
Service level
Apparently the fans want to interact with the pages as well and this works pretty good. 15 pages have a service level of 70% and above. That means at least 70% of all fan posts are getting a reaction from the page. Clarisonic (100%), Neutrogena (92%) and Nexxus (90%) have the best values. Besides, Neutrogena proves that you can achieve a high service level, even if you have a lot of fans (1.3 M in that case) and get a lot of comments on your wall.
Post frequenzy
The pages post a lot on average: more than one post a day. Sonia Kashuk Beauty is posting the most, 5.3 posts each day. Sigma Beauty publishes 3.7 posts every day and COTY Body Fresh 3.1 posts.
But there are a lot of popular brands with a huge amount of fans which post very rarely. For example Dior (12.5 M fans) just 0.7 times a day, Chanel (10.2 M fans) 0.5 posts per day or Dove (19.7 M fans) 0.2 posts per day.
You don’t need to post a lot to gain a lot of fans, just care for good content, high engagement and a good service level. That is what your fans appreciate.
All calculations were made with Fanpage Karma. Fanpage Karma is an online tool used to analyze social media profiles. Users can monitor an unlimited number of Facebook pages, Twitter profiles or YouTube channels. Either their own or those of competitors. Fanpage Karma provides valuable insights on posting strategies and performance. It gives hints on how to improve engagement.
Analyze your pages – and your competitor’s: Try it for free!
Featured Picture: www.facebook.com/Dior