A posts value directly influences the interaction. We analyzed posts of the 100 biggest Facebook pages and categorized them by their value. The result is pretty clear. Posts without any value get way less feedback than the ones that do. As you know feedback is the most important thing when trying to reach more and more people.
Sometimes, the value of a post can be very simple: if you post a picture, make sure it is beautiful. Just last week we had four Top Facebook posts with nothing more than a great view.
Blue Butterflies in The Amazon Rain Forest, Brazil

A marvelous sight!

How cool is this? Campbell’s Covered Bridge. Greenville County. The last bridge of its kind still standing in SC. Big thanks to photographer Jeff Hammond, who you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/picturesthatspeak

I Love Tucson!!

As you see, it works, people are liking, commenting and sharing those pictures. The butterflies were even the most popular Facebook post.
Enjoy the Top Facebook Posts of last week.
Calculated by Likes, Comments and Shares per fan by Fanpage Karma.
Get the Top Posts of the day every morning: Try it for free at Fanpage Karma!
Brands & Co.
Blue Butterflies in The Amazon Rain Forest, Brazil

1,406,657 fans
Un total de 222 500$ pour les Fêtes du 100e d’Amos! Clique “J’aime” si tu es fier du maire Ulrick CHÉRUBIN!

Is today your lucky day? It’s Free Pizza Friday! Just Like or Share this post and at 4pm we’ll randomly select FIVE winners for a free large single topping pizza! Good luck!

Coolest guy at the boat ramp…

A marvelous sight!

Happy Friday!

I Love Tucson!!

Je vous présente ici, Moïgan une jeune louve d’environ 6 mois, recueillie par une agricultrice dans un champ ce printemps. Maintenant très imprégnée de l’homme, elle restera avec nous pour la vie. Cette photo vient de son nouvel enclot où elle a élu domicile depuis un mois avec sa sœur Aïda.Bonne semaine

Yammer Moment #53: When your boss recognizes your contributions. See more: http://po.st/9KEWZo

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Alex Mason killing it… Landing the mason misty 5!!! Wooolalallala

America was founded by people who prayed.The cherished American tradition of asking God’s blessing on public meetings should be defended from those who want to destroy it.http://alln.cc/1b50GYP SHAREIf you stand with us click “LIKE” and SHARE this message.Take action today! http://alln.cc/1b50GYP

465,682 fans
How cool is this? Campbell’s Covered Bridge. Greenville County. The last bridge of its kind still standing in SC. Big thanks to photographer Jeff Hammond, who you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/picturesthatspeak

Horrie, the little white terrier mix been picked up as a pup by members of the 2/1st Machine Gun Battalion, who found him starving and abandoned in the Libyan desert in 1940. Horrie became the battalion’s mascot and a new friend for a thousand Diggers. But little did they realise how their kindness to one small animal would be repaid countless times over. It turned out that this foothigh mongre…

#ThrowbackThursday – Sweet cornering has always been one of our most important ingredients… ‘Thumbs Up’ if you love this vintage ad! #TBT

Today in Mighty Girl history, six-year-old Ruby Bridges walked into William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans surrounded by a team of U.S. Marshals; thus, becoming the first African-American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in the South. When Ruby arrived at school that first day in 1960, an event commemorated by Norman Rockwell in his famous painting “The Problem We Al…

We’re giving away four bottles of Super HD Powder! Like this post and leave a comment with what flavor you want to win (Peach Mango or Strawberry Lemonade). We’ll contact winners Monday.

When was the last time you tried to be normal?

You’re bound to find a gem or two among the coal — a diamond in the rough.The Hunger Games #CatchingFire #CapitolCOVERGIRL

4,616,154 fans
Guess who this is…You may remember him as a tiny cub from The Last Lions who we all thought hadn’t made it. Ma di Tau’s cub. Look at him now.

Yep its November 11, 2013.

If you care, “share.”

Loving this from our friends at Dump Tackle, Usual Suspectsesque!Facebook fans do you agree?

994,017 fans
Delicious Shrimp Scampi!!!4 tsp olive oil1 1/4 pounds med raw shrimp, peeled and deveined (tails left on)6-8 garlic cloves, minced1/2 cup low sodium chicken broth1/2 cup dry white wine1/4 cup fresh lemon juice1/4 cup + 1 T minced parsley1/4 tsp salt1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper4 lemon wedgesIn a large nonstick skillet, heat the oil. Saute the shrimp until just pink, ab…

Are you ready for your own island adventure? Leave the cold behind this winter and explore Bermuda with our Free Night Offer: http://www.gotobermuda.com/freenightoffer/

4,672,688 fans
Naked3 is coming! It features 12 never-before-seen (and insanely gorgeous!) ROSE-hued neutrals. Wanna be the first to be notified when it launches? Head over to UrbanDecay.com right now and sign up! http://www.urbandecay.com/udemail #Naked3

1,321,613 fans
Society & Religion
Well that pretty much sums it up…. Me either. -BB

Congrats to Hawaii! Hawaii Senate votes 19 to 4 in favor of marriage equality! Like & share! #HI4M #Time4marriage http://bit.ly/1aDiiZs

1,533,070 fans
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4,926,885 fans
A Prayer for our Veterans, Please Share.Join our inspiring community on Facebook at Faithtap.com

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Happy Perioperative Nurse Week! Thanks to all of you for your commitment to safe patient care. Want to share one of your proudest moments? Finish this sentence: “I’m proud to be a perioperative nurse because…”

Is this our first Blood Service baby? Luke recently came in for his 100th donation and told us he met his wife Alissa at the donor centre! Luke was donating plasma and Alissa was volunteering refreshments, they hit it off that day and are now married and recently welcomed little Amelia. We can’t promise you’ll find love, but we can promise you’ll save lives. Book today https://www.donateblo…

Spotted in WA. Support your local moustaches: www.movember.com

If you want to have a meaningful impact on the lives of others, you have come to the right place.

Dear President Obama, I wanted to inform you that under our present laws if Michelle files a restraining order against you and accuses you of domestic violence, which could simply be you throwing your Obamacare files across the room after a long day at the Oval Office, that you stand to lose a lot of the freedoms you purport to protect. First, uoh will be forced to leave the White House….

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334,961 fans
Always good to know!

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2,815,355 fans
THIS IS HOW WE GET ANTS!!!! No, seriously, there was a lot of ants on that tree and it got on to all of us. Cosplay by Jessica Nigri Fan PagePhoto by Martin Wong

Paddington has just been spotted at the baker’s buying the buns for his elevenses with Mr. Gruber.

Flying home from another wonderful NHK Trophy! It was a real pleasure to be a part of such a great event. Many thanks to the Japanese fans!! Can’t thank everyone enough for the support. We’re so lucky to be surrounded by such incredible people #NHK2013 Back to Japan soon!!

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“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” -Paulo Coelho

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News & Media
Sounds a little like our household?! ~ TD

Sounds good. What do you think?

Home and Away (Official) star Steve Peacocke makes a Big Splash in Who Magazine’s Sexiest People Issue – On Sale Now! Click Here for more sizzling star photos from this year’s special issue: http://yhoo.it/1aHjlaU

Yep… happening right now. Who can relate?

Here is a happy update — a 7-year-old boy is reunited with the two police officers who saved his life by puling him out of a burning house in Gainesville yesterday.Here’s the full story: http://2wsb.tv/1blQq0tSHARE/LIKE this post to thank the officers! #wsbtv

#SFBatkid has embarked on his San Francisco adventure made possible by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. You can watch a live stream of the action as News Chopper 2 follows overhead.Watch live: http://bit.ly/XTjNhbLearn more about the rest of Batkid’s day: http://bit.ly/1d269oO

Before anyone says it, we ALSO need to fight for better wages, but we also feel this sentiment is at the heart of social work. Yes, we need to be paid better but we cannot allow ourselves to lose this spirit in a tradeoff.

Out of respect to our veterans, those who gave their lives and to the families of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, this will be the only posting this morning on the Rock 101 Facebook page.

This bike (quad) is _______________.


Sport & Hobby
WHAT YOU NEED:1 Container with an airtight lid (grabbed out of my pantry)4 sponges cut in half ($1.00 for a 4pk at the dollar store)1 cup of your favorite fabric softener ($0.30 worth of fabric softener)2 cups water (free from my tap)WHAT TO DO:Mix the water and fabric softener into a plastic container.Add the cut sponges so they can soak in the mixture.When ready to use…

Lots of sparkle on these #booties ;)#FASHION #shoes

Pete Rose: HALL YES or HALL NO?

(M) I’m not even a Christian and I like this guy.

893,213 fans
Patrick Chan wins gold, sets world records at ISU Grand PrixVirtue and Moir also golden, silver for Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radfordhttp://www.skatecanada.ca/AboutUs/NewsDetails/tabid/2157/sni%5B2797%5D/3046/language/en-US/Default.aspxPatrick Chan gagne la médaille d’or et établi des records du monde dans un Grand Prix de l’UIPMédaille d’or aussi pour Virtue et Moi et une d’argent …

Always worth reposting on a weekend when many departments are doing training!

Lol**A Mommy’s Perception**

….and here’s where they meet: BassTheWorld.com 😉

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember them.To all the diggers, past and present who have bravely fought and continue to fight for our freedom – thank you.

By popular demand, here is the video of Malcolm Subban fighting Scott Stajcer in tonight’s matchup.


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888,246 fans
Hidden Beach, Mexico

6,707,211 fans
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NEW DATES ADDED: Eagles have added two extra dates in London and Glasgow as part of their ‘History Of The Eagles’ tour in June 2014.Tickets on sale now: http://bit.ly/17xB5KW

Found this on Pinterest. Hilarous! I just had to share.”I think my apartment allows me to have fish!”

Which one are you?

457,248 fans
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