This weeks Top Posts were a bit different than what we expected them to be. Our predication was that the list would be drowned in Super Bowl posts, but it ended up completely different.
One reason for that is the fact that our system stops calculating the Top Post at 12am CET, and since the match finished at approximately 4am (CET) the news about the outcome was known/spread too late for it to still be considered. Nevertheless, we browsed some sports pages and found a post that would most likely have made it anyway:
Seahawks are bringing their first Lombardi Trophy home to Seattle. #SuperBowlChamps
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Yet it’s still surprising that only a single post announcing one of the biggest sporting events of the western world made it. And to be honest, it has less to do with the actual match than a competition between the two fan bases.
CALLING ALL 12’s! We have a competition going with 7News and to see who has the greatest fans. We know the Seahawks are going to beat the Broncos on the field during the Super Bowl, so let’s beat them on Facebook, too! Let all of Denver and Colorado know the 12th Man and Seahawks are the BEST. The station with the most likes wins, so CLICK LIKE and share it with your fr…
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Considering all the hype it’s rather strange, but also says something about the mentality of most fans. What matters is the result not all the talking prior to the match.
Even though the event happened 8 days ago, the Grammy Awards made it as well. Macklemores performance really managed to warm the hearts of a lot of people.
VIDEO: Tonight at the Grammys, Macklemore, Mary Lambert, Madonna and Queen Latifah serenaded loving, committed couples – including same-sex couples – as they married on stage. Click “like” to congratulate all of the happy couples, and watch the full performance: (Photo via @proudandvowed)
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Another post that immediately stands out: Two months after his passing Paul Walkers death still touches the Facebook community.
There were also quite a few viral posts this week that managed to generate way more reactions than the page has fans. You simply have to feel sorry for this little dog.
But the most successful post was about hairspray for dolls…yes, you heard right. Hairspray For Dolls.
Apparently there are a lot of desperate parents who are incredibly happy to finally have found a way to fix their kid’s toys. The post managed to reach around 6 times more people than the page has fans. An impressive achievement.
Calculated by Likes, Comments and Shares per fan by Fanpage Karma.
Get the Top Posts of the day every morning: Try it for free at Fanpage Karma!
Enjoy the Top Posts of last week
Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day. Every time this image is shared, we’ll donate an additional 5¢ to mental health initiatives in Canada: #BellLetsTalk
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We know today is a big weather and snow day, but we would be remiss if we didn’t mention this. Today, we mark 28 years since the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after launch at 10:39 a.m. on January 28, 1986. The disaster took the lives of seven crew members. Do you remember where you were?#RememberingChallenger
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The hot chocolate guys have been identified! Dozens of you sent us photos of these guys serving hot cocoa to stranded motorists on I-75. We now know the men behind the kindness are Zach Haedt and Sam Tarquina. LIKE this! It’s a great way to say thanks to all the people doing nice things in the #GeorgiaSnow! And keep your awesome photos coming:
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229,939 fans
Voila notre TIRAGE de la semaine. Un casque FXR d’une valeur de 239,95$. “Like” la photo et partage . Le tirage aura lieu vendredi le 31 janvier 2014 à 15h00 . Oublie pas, tu dois aimer notre page Facebook Harricana Aventures !!!!
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Meet the newest member of our #greenjuice family. Organic, non-GMO verified, with a warming kick of Peruvian ginger. #SweetGreensWithGinger
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January Giveaway!!As the photo says, you can win a pair of Little Hand / Footprint Charms on an 18″ Chain!!We will pick a winner, at random, from everyone who has both LIKED and COMMENTED on this photo – and the closing date is 4th February!So get sharing with your friends! Your comment can just be your name, or let us know if this is your favourite product!Good luck everyone!!! xxx
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Aujourd’hui, c’est la Journée Bell Cause pour la cause. Pour chaque partage de cette image, nous verserons 5¢ de plus à des initiatives en santé mentale au pays. #BellCause
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It’s FREE Pizza Monday! We’ll randomly select 5 people and give them a coupon for a FREE Pizza. Just “like” and “share” this post.
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When working on your bagger we at Motorcycle Bagger – stock & custom bagger magazine ask that you be careful. Don’t let this happen to your pride and joy!
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Rocco, the Pittsburgh police K-9 who battled bravely while enduring two surgeries and several blood transfusions after he was stabbed in a scuffle with a wanted man, has died. Leave your condolences in the comments section below. More details:
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** CONCOURS POUR LES 8000 MENTIONS J’AIME ** Parce que se sentir 8000 fois aimés nous fait très chaud au cœur, nous souhaitons en retour réchauffer le cœur de l’un d’entre vous d’une manière toute spéciale.Le gagnant ou la gagnante se méritera :*Une visite VIP du Refuge Pageau pour 2 personnes (Visite du Refuge, des installations d’isolement, de la pouponnière et de l’Atelier de tra…
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This post is a photo and has no text
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1,162,680 fans
As we leave for Sochi tomorrow, give this status a LIKE and a SHARE to show your support for these 15 amazing athletes that will represent the United States as the 2014 U.S. Olympic Figure Skating Team!Let’s get this to over 5,000 LIKES!
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Morpheus is back. And now, he’s revealing a whole new world of luxury. #KiaK900
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Seen our new TV ad featuring the art of the amazing Willard Wigan, whose sculptures occupy no more than the eye of a needle? Each day this week we’ll be featuring a different microscopic piece of his #tinyart. More info-
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So, Atlanta is basically an episode of The Walking Dead right now→
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1,693,079 fans
A lonely looking Ravenel Bridge… one of the most interesting shots from the winter storm of 2014. Thanks, Holy City Helicopters for this cool view from above!
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LIKE to wish Kerry Washington a very happy birthday!
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1,849,256 fans
Unique ponytail ‘do by FB: Jahair SalonFor general hair growth info visit our beginners page =>
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374,266 fans
ALMA. She’s old as dirt. She survived Hurricane Katrina and then, a wretched hoarding situation (Spindletop, Texas. 300 dogs held in crates – Bad scene) for eight long, lonely, difficult years. She waited. She. Never. Gave. Up. Now in her new life, she’s living large and makes up for lost time with wild, happy play sessions that send young pups begging for mercy. And to put a cherry on that …
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If you read the Bible in English…you should know more of the story of William Tyndale.He gave his life for translating the Bible into English, and he’s one of the many martyrs honored on The Martyrs Monument at VOM headquarters.
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This post is a photo and has no text
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1,212,451 fans
We’re giving away an awesome BenQ XL2720Z 144Hz gaming monitor complete with a pair of Gunnar PPK glasses to ease eye strain during those marathon gaming sessions! All you have to do is like this post and comment below which game you sink the most hours into each week. The winner will be selected at 5pm AEDT tomorrow!BenQ XL2720Z – PPK –
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Truly amazing. In the GOP’s official response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said her party “trusts people to make their own decisions”—just hours after that same party passed a bill that interferes in the private health decisions of millions of Americans. Share this if you agree: These politicians can say all they want, but we’re paying more atte…
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463,216 fans
It’s #FreePizzaFriday, and a very special one at that! Share this post telling us your favorite game day pizza, and come back at 5pm to see if you’re one of 5 winners of a large single-topping pizza.(PS, who’s your pick? The Broncos or the Seahawks?)Good luck!
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Society & Religion
BREAKING: Great Barrier Reef authorities have just said YES to coal port companies dumping dredge waste inside this World Heritage Area — all to make way a coal ship superhighway through our Reef.LIKE & SHARE if this outrageous decision does not represent you.This is a massive disappointment, but we cannot give up hope. Sign up here to make our movement bigger than ever and keep up the fig…
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Small is Beautiful Thanks to Knowledge of Today
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790,362 fans
This post is a photo and has no text
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116,340 fans
Not all debts are created equal. #occupy
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473,465 fans
VIDEO: Tonight at the Grammys, Macklemore, Mary Lambert, Madonna and Queen Latifah serenaded loving, committed couples – including same-sex couples – as they married on stage. Click “like” to congratulate all of the happy couples, and watch the full performance: (Photo via @proudandvowed)
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7-year-old Mighty Girl Charlotte wrote the following letter to LEGO about the lack of female minifig representation in their sets: “Dear Lego Company: My name is Charlotte. I am 7 years old and I love legos but I don’t like that there are more lego boy people and barely any lego girls. today I went to a store and saw legos in two sections the pink (girls) and the blue (boys). All the girls did …
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Muslim woman on trial who was ordered to remove her veil now refuses to take to the witness stand. A Muslim on trial who was warned she would have to remove her veil and bare her face in the witness box so jurors could see her face has decided not to give evidence.Judge Peter Murphy made the landmark ruling that 22-year-old Rebekah Dawson must remove her niqab and show her face to the cou…
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The title of “surfman” is reserved for our most highly trained boat drivers. You can see why.
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Aslan appears deep in thought as he soaks up some warm sun rays on a cold winter day. To see more photos and video of Aslan, visit his page at:
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This is Brandon, He has M.D. And is confines to a wheelchair but he doesn’t let it slow him down one bit! Show him some love, Folks!
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HEALTH UPDATE for TUES. the 28th It looks like the sun may have just popped his head out to say hello. The doctors where just in my room and we had a long talk. They assured me that what I’m going through as a cancer patient is some most all patients go through at some point. It’s part of the process. The problem with me was that I developed some sort of virus and they couldn’t identify it unti…
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We’re raising Ontario’s minimum wage to $11 and tying future increases to the CPI to be predictable for businesses and families. Share if you support minimum wage workers
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God called an angel home early….
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10,200,537 fans
Good morningBirthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake. 🙂
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Don’t let negative, toxic people rent space inside your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.this will help
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887,435 fans
You can see how it starts, no?
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5,935,110 fans
Police need your help tonight getting this guy off the street. Mark Kerpash is accused of beating up his 87 year old Grandma in Lincoln County. Police consider him very dangerous. Share this pic and contact police if you know where he is. More on News 4 at 5.
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CALLING ALL 12’s! We have a competition going with 7News and to see who has the greatest fans. We know the Seahawks are going to beat the Broncos on the field during the Super Bowl, so let’s beat them on Facebook, too! Let all of Denver and Colorado know the 12th Man and Seahawks are the BEST. The station with the most likes wins, so CLICK LIKE and share it with your fr…
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120,164 fans
GOOD SAMARITAN: Matthew Miller is on I-75 near Turner Field handing out food to stranded motorists. He packed PB&Js, cereal and hot cocoa for anyone who needs it.“I saw on Facebook people had been out here for 18 hours…so I just thought I’d try to help out any way I could,” Miller said.We think Miller definitely deserves a LIKE. Follow WSB-TV for constant winter wea…
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271,295 fans
It’s about time! Marshawn Lynch and Skittles are set to formally announce a partnership today.SHARE THIS if you would eat the “Seattle Mix”
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Last week’s breastfeeding story got the SNL treatment!
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163,205 fans
Woah, check out what Will Ferrell wore to the premier of “The Lego Movie” yesterday.Find more news photos of all the excitement leading up to the game>> KIRO 7 Eyewitness News on Facebook for team coverage of #SB48.
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TWINS! Pregnancy announcement idea.
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330,890 fans
“My name is Charlotte. I am 7 years old and I love legos but I don’t like that there are more Lego boy people and barely any Lego girls. Today I went to a store and saw legos in two sections the girls pink and the boys blue. All the girls did was sit at home, go to the beach, and shop, and they had no jobs but the boys went on adventures, worked, saved people, and had jobs, even swam with shark…
Lego Just Got Told Off By A 7-Year-Old
FS: Rp BuRtI just seen this on my news feed. Thought it would be with sharing it. *We cannot vouch for the validity of this post*
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Monastery Spa & Suites are hooking you up this Valentine’s Day!LIKE for a chance to win a home jersey + a facialORSHARE for a shot at a third jersey + a pedicureAll participants will also be entered to win one of six (6) IceCaps Spa Day Experiences, including a day at the spa, a limo ride to Mile One and two tickets to see the IceCaps take on the Worcester Sharks on Sunday, Feb. 9!
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Obama says gun control is coming “with or without Congress.” More proof that the 2nd Amendment means nothing to him!
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4,473,044 fans
My name is Amanda and I am white and my husband Eric is black and white. This year will mark 10 years of a strong realtionship and 5 years of marrige. Together we have 3 boys and 1 girl who are truly amazing! We were raised to be blind of color, love and respect is what matters !!!
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How many likes for these adorable pups?!
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1,130,508 fans
From the Broncos morning news conference: “I play for my family, my hometown, my teammates and the University of Tennessee.”~ Peyton ManningJM
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I’ve seen this a lot tonight! Cute!
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265,652 fans
Slow Loris eating a Rice Ball 😀
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1,066,484 fans
Hello RC world. You may or may not know that my wife and I are expecting our 2nd child. Well, today we found out that we will be adding to the small, but growing group of dads who bring their daughters to the flying field. -Josh Scott
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This is the most beautiful thing you will ever see!
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1,341,281 fans