Let’s start this weeks Top Posts with the story of a dog that participated in the Iraq war. This post shows him reuniting with the soldier he was with the entire time while being stationed in the middle east. 4 whole year they looked out for each other. The soldier personally flew to Germany to pick up his 4 legged friend and bring him to California to live with him for the rest of his life. A really touching story about family, because at the end of the day that’s what most pets are, family.
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS: David Simpson of Mulberry and “Robby” spent 4 years together in Iraq. When Robby was ready to retire, Simpson flew all the way to Germany bring him back to the Sunshine State. This is the moment they finally reunited, and it’s 18 seconds that will make your day. WATCH HERE: http://bit.ly/1idF0PJ
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Once again Classic Rock 101 and 94.7 WCSX were able to make it into our Top Posts. Maybe LeBron could have kept playing with one of those RedBull Coffees, who knows?
Perfect for the first Monday after we’ve sprung forward an hour. – Jim
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To completely switch topics: A funny picture about how our brain works. More than 400.000 reactions, skyrocketing the amount of people who talk about the page.
There’s one thing a lot of the pages have in common though. They use ecards to spread jokes or simply use them to share third party content with their community. It’s a really popular way to make people notice a particular post and often is a factor for a post being a success or wasted effort.
I saw this one on Pinterest and could totally relate! How about you?
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Have fun with the top posts of week 11.
Calculated by Likes, Comments and Shares per fan by Fanpage Karma.
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Produkte & Co.
205.884 Fans
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS: David Simpson of Mulberry and “Robby” spent 4 years together in Iraq. When Robby was ready to retire, Simpson flew all the way to Germany bring him back to the Sunshine State. This is the moment they finally reunited, and it’s 18 seconds that will make your day. WATCH HERE: http://bit.ly/1idF0PJ
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106.112 Fans
Voila notre TIRAGE de la semaine d’une valeur de 199,95$. “Like” la photo et partage . Le tirage aura lieu vendredi le 14 mars 2014 à 17h00 . Oublie pas, tu dois aimer notre page Facebook d’ Harricana Aventures!! Peut importe la région nous le livrons au gagnant. Seul chose si tu gagnes tu dois prendre une photo avec le casque pour être dans l’album gagnant. Bonne Chance!
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Teen arrested after sneaking into Miley Cyrus’ dressing room left a note–> See what it said: http://on.ketv.com/Pk7kpx
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+++ We are GIVING AWAY this amazing PRINT (A4 SIZE) by DevoArt +++The person with the last comment will get it! Just comment (as often as you want) and within the next 3 hours I’m gonna comment “STOP” (at any time, could be in a few minutes, could also be just before the 3h are up)! The last comment before my “STOP” wins it!Good Luck! 🙂
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Want to win this High Performance Screwdriving Set? With a magnetic bit holder and robust storage case, this is a must-have.To be in with a chance of winning one of 20 kits, Like this Post and answer the following question in the Comments below by 5pm on Monday 17th March:How many bits are there in this kit?
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I am so excited to share this poster the MOMS Club of Stillwater, OK created!!! Is this awesome or what??
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We are looking for the first signs of spring! Have you captured your garden, a flower or even the grass finally starting to grow? Share with us your photos showing glimmers of spring hope on our wall!
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Happy 52nd birthday to award-winning actress, singer and dancer, Jasmine Guy!! The multi-talented actress manages to still act & direct while battling with #Lupus! See the MANY FACES of Lupus —>> http://bit.ly/1oFWrsa
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664.910 Fans
Jennifer Aliff said she was driving down the road when she saw the 12-year-old missing Peachtree Corners girl walking. “I said, ‘Are you Kelsie?’ and she said, ‘Yes.’ And I said, ‘Sweetheart, everybody’s looking for you. Can I take you home?’ She’s like, ‘Please. I’m just so scared.'”Click LIKE to salute Jennifer Aliff for her alertness: http://on.11alive.com/NUhUm4
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“Believe in me and you will see the glory of God.” -Jesus
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2.031.661 Fans
I love this. Always stand your ground. ~Scarlet Get your American Patriot T-shirt: http://bit.ly/1f8aKk8follow us on twitter here @colddeadhands1Fight with your words today so your children don’t have to fight for their lives tomorrow.
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631.929 Fans
264.962 Fans
We expect a decision soon on a crucial case before the Supreme Court that could strengthen your religious freedom or discard a tradition that predates America’s founding. Find out more: www.FreetoPray.com Do you support prayer? Comment “YES” below, and Click “Like” and Share!
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652.389 Fans
Rare photo of cat tree in full bloom. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/143481938101264484/
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Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta were graduate students at Columbia University’s School of Architecture in 2010 when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. In one of their classes, they were assigned to develop a new innovation to help with disaster relief. Many students focused on designing shelters but, after speaking to a relief worker in Haiti, the two discovered that an often-ignored need fol…
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283.034 Fans
This is what it means to be a REAL Man!Man Up Gods Way
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155.677 Fans
In the Bible, there is no white church, black church, brown church, red church, yellow church. There is only the blood bought church of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come to save skins, but to save souls. – John Hagee Ministries
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646.266 Fans
Heard of Stephen Lawrence? Of course! Heard of Kriss Donald? Not likely! Both were murdered by a racist gang, the difference is that Kriss was white and his killers Pakistani.Today is the anniversary of the racist murder of Kriss Donald. The BNP are making sure Kriss is never forgotten. The politicians, their police force, and the controlled media are continuing to hide the shocking facts o…
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Celebrate! President Obama has signed the bill to make Michigan’s Sleeping Bear Dunes a designated wilderness area!
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After observing locals spear fishing, an orangutan in Borneo was photographed using his own spear to catch passing fish.It’s incredible how close we are to orangutans whose name means “person of the forest”.Tell Procter & Gamble to stop trashing their home. >> http://dirtysecret.greenpeace.org/en-AU?fbauropTH-FacebookRead more: http://primatology.net/2008/04/29/orangutan-photographed-usin…
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Does this photo of Zeus help you understand another reason why tigers should never be considered “pets”? If not, read more here: http://www.wildcatsanctuary.org/appropriate-pets/
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Official Dancing with the Stars Portraits Revealed on People.com!http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,20795101,00.html#30116795http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,20795101,00.html#30116825
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Be strong but not rude, kind but not weak.more at Bob Beaudine
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1.087.838 Fans
So I woke up this morning and realized I was a shit head… So the only thing I could think of to do was buy this for Colton. xx love you honey.
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Mitch McConnell wants to crush conservatives everywhere. Let’s return the favor: www.crushmitch.com
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God called an angel home early…. Let’s make history with the most “likes” in 24 hours the number to beat is 7million…. #Share #Go >>> We start filming again this week…. Spread love….. Gooooo!!!!!!
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11.675.195 Fans
Some may wish to pooh pooh this, but that would be roo.
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6.373.441 Fans
Just one of the guys. I’ve been thinking about this photo all day. Pope Francis is shown here praying with members of the Vatican Curia at the beginning of their annual retreat. The Pope has not taken any place of honor, and earlier in the day a photo showed him aboard the bus with everyone else, and carrying his bags off the bus, along with everyone else. (Notice also the relatively simple…
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Jack’s Peaceful Easy Feeling & Already Gone (w/R Strandlund) soared with Eagles on this day in 1976 as Eagles/Their Greatest Hits 1971 – 1975 hit #1 on Billboard! #tbt
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A mother in Rugeley, Staffordshire has organised a mass-breastfeed in protest, after a photograph of her breastfeeding her baby was uploaded to a Facebook page by a stranger with the caption “tramp” http://tiny.mn/1cOowZ6. We think the Rugely Mass Feed is a fantastic plan, and we applaud her efforts to build the confidence of women. Take a look at our tips on breastfeeding in public, including …
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If this gets 100 likes, Taylor Swift has to punch you in the balls.If this gets 1000 likes, Taylor Swift has to punch you in the balls again.YOLO.
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‘I’M GLAD I PUNCHED HIM’: A Perth man who decked convicted child killer Brett Peter Cowan over a workplace dispute is still paying compensation to the serial paedophile — but he’s glad he bashed him.Peter Littlejohn says he’s sickened to pay Cowan $50 a month, and would rather the court-ordered payments go to charity: http://ow.ly/uD5xO
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This is Taryn Brumfitt’s response to the Maria Kang “What’s your excuse?” phenomenon. We kind of love it. Photo: Body Image Movement
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Sport & Hobby
Para todas esas Mamis XXI que salen adelante solas!!!! ¡Feliz Lunes!!!
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15.022 Fans
Mini CannoliIngredients:Crust-2 Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts3 tablespoons sugar1 teaspoon cinnamonFlour for dusting surfaceFilling-1 15oz. container of whole milk ricotta cheese1/2 cup confectioners sugar2 tablespoons white sugar1 teaspoon vanilla1/4 cup mini semisweet chocolate chipsDirections:Preheat oven to 425.Prepare filling by combining all ingredients except chocol…
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“Plant” jelly beans with your kids the night before Easter and after they go to sleep replace with suckers for a morning surprise!
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Anais Shares: ” My husband josh and I have been together for 3 years, married for 1 year as of last month. Josh is white and I am Colombian and Haitian. We met in the army, deployed and he was wounded 3 months into deployment. We have overcome many obstacles and are excited for our firstborn to be here this month!”
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629.802 Fans
GIANTS beat Swans by 32 points! You little BEAUTY! Thank you to everyone who had faith in us. All aboard the GIANTS bandwagon. Toot toot!How sweet it is!
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When did you die to your old ways and start to rise with a living Christ?Watch the trailer here: http://godsnotdeadthemovie.com/landing/6
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1.260.381 Fans