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Last weeks Top Posts were dominated by all kinds of animal related posts. From various posts that were related to chickens…
If you’ve never seen an ex-battery hen take her first steps on soil, or feel the sunshine on her face for the first time – then this might be five of the most moving minutes you’ll ever see.Battery cages had not only prevented these hens from expressing normal and natural behaviours – but they denied them of any quality of life. Thanks to Edgar’s Mission, they learned to live – and love – a l…
First sunshine for 752 rescued hensfacebook.com
… to dogs
“Not every person knows how to love a dog, but every dog knows how to love a person.” There’s nothing better than the unconditional love of your dog…who agrees???
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Scarlet, the clouded leopard, has been progressing so well since she came to live here at TWS. Don’t let her size fool you. She may be small but she has a big cat attitude! Read more about her here: http://www.wildcatsanctuary.org/residents/big-cats/leopards/scarlet/
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…and shocked koala bears.
Unfortunately, not every post was funny or positive in general, though. Some even were rather negative and supposed to cause sadness. And we’re pretty sure that this one managed to do so.
Think you’ve had a bad day? This little guy wandered back to his home only to find it’d been torn down in logging operations. Volunteers said he’d been sitting on the wood pile for over an hour looking confused. Construction of Maules Creek monster coal mine would tear down huge tracts of forest just like this — the home of over 30 threatened species, including koalas.Together we can stop …
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This poor guy left home, just to come back and find his original living space completely destroyed leaving him with nowhere to go. According to witnesses he even had trouble to comprehend the situation and was just sitting there, wondering about what happened.
But there were also non animal related posts that ended up pretty successful. One of them was this clever Durex ad to remind people that we all lost one hour over the weekend.
Another one was this story of a happy family. The article made it into the Top Posts multiple times and is about 2 people who, even though suffering from mental disorders, managed to give birth to a child without any mental disability. Overall it received millions of likes.
Gabriela has down syndrome and Fabio struggles with a slight mental delay. Their daughter, Valentina, was born with no mental disability. Everyone deserves happiness. This family is beautiful. <3
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Calculated by Likes, Comments and Shares per fan by Fanpage Karma.
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Have fun with the top posts of week 13.
270.188 Fans
Effy is only two years old and is fighting leukemia. Hit like to wish her good luck guys.
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106.985 Fans
If you’ve never seen an ex-battery hen take her first steps on soil, or feel the sunshine on her face for the first time – then this might be five of the most moving minutes you’ll ever see.Battery cages had not only prevented these hens from expressing normal and natural behaviours – but they denied them of any quality of life. Thanks to Edgar’s Mission, they learned to live – and love – a l…
First sunshine for 752 rescued hensfacebook.com
177.994 Fans
Well…. Thats the cutest thing i have ever seen…
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246.093 Fans
This 2 year old was hit by a car on Tuesday, puncturing a lung, lacerating his liver, and fracturing his pelvis. This photo was taken on Wednesday – already managing to walk! Give him a LIKE for being strong. 🙂
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107.147 Fans
We’re celebrating ONE MILLION users with a competition! WIN a lovely (yellow, obviously) iPhone 5C and Full Bloom for a year! All you need to do is ‘Like’ the Bloom.fm Facebook PAGE and tell us one of your favourite bands below. We’ll announce the winner on Wednesday 2nd April. Good luck and have an awesome weekend!Not tried Bloom.fm? Grab our free music app here:http://www.bloom.fm/down…
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What a wonderful idea!! I’m pretty sure I now have plans for those extra logs laying around on my property! Beee-utiful! – Yvette
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191.194 Fans
CREEPY CLOWN: This mysterious clown has been spotted in NYC waving and holding balloons while sporting a trademark red nose, sometimes in the middle of the night. In one photo, the creepy clown is lurking behind a tree. How police are now getting involved: http://bit.ly/1dN6vel
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115.387 Fans
Here comes the butt hurt….#Prepareyourself #Mustang #Corvette #C7 #Hightechcorvette
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155.673 Fans
BABY BLESSING ALERT: Hi! I’m Marlowe. I was born premature at only 1 lb, 5 oz. Today, I am more than 7 pounds (you can see my progress in the pic below)! I’m still here in the Cook Children’s Medical Center NICU, but as soon as I can get my breathing and eating on the right path, I get to go home! I can’t wait!
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Just seen the weather for the next week and this picture is so dead on.
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113.372 Fans
Wedding dresses are often stashed away in closets, never to be seen again. However, some dresses are being transformed into angel gowns for precious babies who never make it home from the hospital. Learn more about the touching work being done by NICU Helping Hands.http://on.11alive.com/1jwX2Q7
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302.806 Fans
The adjectives used to describe different stages of life will never change the definition of a “person.” A cell, fetus, baby, or child will always be a person.
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360.659 Fans
Free Pizza Monday. We’ll randomly select one lucky fan and give them 2 FREE pizza coupons. Just like this post and maybe share it. If your friend wins they can give a coupon to you!
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Share this with any gun grabber you know. Then to all of your friends who support the second amendment, so they can share it with all the gun grabbers they know.SPC.III%Check out our store at http://store.colddeadhands.us/
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644.772 Fans
As season 5 of “Duck Dynasty” wraps up, co-star Willie Robertson is not backing down from either his faith or the controversy those beliefs helped stir.The co-stars say they’d be fine if the show ended. Here’s why: http://on.wtae.com/1lrgQEv Are you ready for the show to be over?
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120.129 Fans
In case you missed it: The GMO farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably in the air you are breathing. More here: http://www.cornucopia.org/2014/03/roundup-weedkiller-found-75-air-rain-samples-gov-study-finds #roundup #weeds #weedkiller
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61.449 Fans
Today is #HobbyLobbyDay! Share this pic to thank the Green Family.
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117.542 Fans
“Classy Girls Wear Pearls””Like” and “Share” to win one of five the samples from our latest collection. Winners announced 4/1Introducing our new Atlantic Pearl collection. MADE in USAhttps://kieljamespatrick.com/index.php/product/Atlantic_Pearl_Collection
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70.968 Fans
❤ ❤ ❤ SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY GIVEAWAY! ❤ ❤ ❤Want a chance to win a lovingly wrapped Mother’s Day gift from us for that special lady in your life?Simply LIKE and SHARE share this post for your chance to win a Special Mother’s Day gift from us… you must also like our page to be entered!Winner will be announced Wednesday morning (26.03.14) Good luck everyone 🙂
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*FREE GIVEAWAY*Here’s my way of spreading a bit of happiness…If you’d like this papercut free of charge just comment and tag a friend, if there is a few of you I will randomly pick somebody :-)The winner will need to pay £2 postage and please note the frame is not included. This giveaway is in no way associated with or endorsed by Facebook.
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The real story behind this photo… The real story behind this photo is not that tutus are a “lame” fad. Despite what SELF Magazine published, it is not that “people think these froufrou skirts make you run faster.” The real story behind this photo is that Tara and Monika, pictured here, are board members for Girls on the Run San Diego. They founded Glam Runner, a business that sells running …
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38.218 Fans
// WIN 2 VIP TICKETSWe’re giving away 2 x 2 VIP Tickets !!!All you have to do:► Share & Like the Picture ► Comment “I love it”Good Luck everyone!
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Gesellschaft & Religion
191.760 Fans
An unbelievable £8 million has now been raised thanks to your #nomakeupselfie donations! And what’s more, you achieved this in just six days. Our chief executive, Dr Harpal Kumar, wanted to tell you personally what your support means. Because of all of you (women and men), we can now fund ten clinical trials that just last week we didn’t have enough money to fully support. Being able to fund mo…
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886.139 Fans
After spending years developing a simple machine to make inexpensive sanitary pads, Arunachalam Muruganantham has become the unlikely leader of a menstrual health revolution in rural India. Over sixteen years, Muruganantham’s machine has spread to 1,300 villages in 23 states and since most of his clients are NGOs and women’s self-help groups who produce and sell the pads directly in a “by the w…
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307.300 Fans
The Lord is setting the next generation ablaze with His love!
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394.240 Fans
Think you’ve had a bad day? This little guy wandered back to his home only to find it’d been torn down in logging operations. Volunteers said he’d been sitting on the wood pile for over an hour looking confused. Construction of Maules Creek monster coal mine would tear down huge tracts of forest just like this — the home of over 30 threatened species, including koalas.Together we can stop …
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93.265 Fans
Thanks to all our collective efforts, we have seen off the planned back door attack on the Hunting Act. This news unfolded today during Prime Ministers Questions, when David Cameron was forced to admit that a proposal was indeed being considered, but that he regretted that it wouldn’t get support from both sides of the Coalition. This means an amendment has no chance of proceeding as things sta…
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60.292 Fans
Yesterday a BP refinery on Lake Michigan spilled tar sands oil into the drinking water supply of 7 million people. This is just one more piece of evidence that there is no such thing as safe tar sands oil.http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/03/25/3418808/oil-leaks-lake-michigan/
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326.831 Fans
Scarlet, the clouded leopard, has been progressing so well since she came to live here at TWS. Don’t let her size fool you. She may be small but she has a big cat attitude! Read more about her here: http://www.wildcatsanctuary.org/residents/big-cats/leopards/scarlet/
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369.757 Fans
285.978 Fans
Mitch is proud to stand with the Green family and Hobby Lobby in their case against the Obama Administration in the Supreme Court. Please, sign his petition to stand with Hobby Lobby for religious freedom: www.teammitch.com/hobby_lobbyCOMMENT with FREEDOM if you support religious freedom over liberal political agendas!
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135.478 Fans
Bon… Un dernier mot. Merci pour vos messages. L’émission de ce soir me rentre dedans…Je viens de parler à mon frère il est très content, très touché. Très heureux de cette première saison. Les cotes d’écoutes, vos messages, l’émission de ce soir… C’EST TROP POUR MOI!MM xx
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464.788 Fans
Nachrichten & Medien
Tried for awhile to say something about this picture. I got nuthin’. You? http://player.rock101.com/
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125.592 Fans
19.250 Fans
Let’s see how far we can share this message of support for Oso. Once you’ve clicked SHARE, leave your location in the comments below. We want this message to go around the world.We’re hoping for 100,000 shares before our #HelpOso special at 9 p.m. Friday on KIRO 7. Let’s do it!SIGN A CARD >> http://kiro.tv/Card-For-OsoHOW TO #HELPOSO >> http://kiro.tv/LandslideHelpPHOTOS OF THE SLIDE >> h…
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170.743 Fans
Madre hispana sale en defensa del hombre que aparece en video golpeándola y pateando a su pequeña hijita. Vea el video y comparta su opinion atraves de TWITTER @Telemundo47 @JorgeRamosT47 @GloriaT47. #ER
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54.082 Fans
When the party is over a wedding dress is often stashed in a closet or under the bed to be forgotten. Some dresses though, are being transformed into angel gowns for babies who never make it home from the hospital. Learn more about NICU Helping Hands: http://on.ksdk.com/1l5oVw6If you know a local organization doing something similar we want to hear about it.
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315.120 Fans
Good news!! Big thanks to the Animal Legal Defense Fund for making this a reality.
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225.688 Fans
This story proves how awesome first responders are.Two firefighters sang “Let it Go” from the hit Disney movie “Frozen” to soothe a girl stuck in an elevator with her mother and young brother. “I’m slightly embarrassed to admit this, but yeah, I pretty much knew all of (the words),” one of the firefighters said. *http://bit.ly/1jCnpQh
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184.914 Fans
Sport & Hobby
Gabriela has down syndrome and Fabio struggles with a slight mental delay. Their daughter, Valentina, was born with no mental disability. Everyone deserves happiness. This family is beautiful. <3
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1.379.585 Fans
There are likely very few people here who don’t understand the reasons for this change in labeling our children. But just as they have labeled a normal child diseased, so have we woken up to the reality of the medical matrix which is now transparent as the light of day.
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349.497 Fans
Hi, this the Gibson family and we are from southern Louisiana. Living here can be a little stressful because when people see my family they are quick to judge us. We are just like any other family, we love each other dearly. My husband and I have been together since 2006 and still holding on strong. We have one boy and one girl we thank God for our blessings. When we were in high school we was …
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655.455 Fans
“Not every person knows how to love a dog, but every dog knows how to love a person.” There’s nothing better than the unconditional love of your dog…who agrees???
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1.363.652 Fans
The Big Orange made it close at the end but come up short in the final seconds against #2 Michigan 73-71. Awesome run by our Vols to reach the Sweet 16! Big Orange Nation is proud!
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51.594 Fans
BREAKING: A new AP poll finds that 59% of Americans disapprove of Obama. Are you part of the 59%? We are!
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1.286.010 Fans
Cannoli CheesecakeCrust1 1/2 cups (325 mL) graham cracker crumbs2 tbsp (30 mL) granulated sugar1/4 cup (60 mL) butter, meltedFilling3 tubs (475 g/each) Tre Stelle® Extra Smooth Ricotta Cheese1 1/2 cups (325 mL) granulated sugar1/2 cup (125 mL) all purpose flour1 tbsp (15 mL) vanilla extract2 tsp (10 mL) freshly grated orange peel7 eggs, lightly beaten1/3 cup (75 mL) miniature choc…
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229.285 Fans
Gabriela has down syndrome and Fabio struggles with a slight mental delay. Their daughter, Valentina, was born with no mental disability. Everyone deserves happiness. This family is beautiful. <3
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2.111.898 Fans
An artist paints boring white medical helmets for babies into something cool! http://www.incrediblethings.com/art-design/artist-paints-babys-medical-helmets/
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80.163 Fans
214.465 Fans
95.421 Fans
53.059 Fans
What’s the one thing you’d tell your pre-mum self? Leave a comment below to let us know. See our #ItsAMumThing campaign >> http://bit.ly/1kCW8Pf
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205.740 Fans