Many Facebook Pages claimed to have lost a significant amount of organic reach over the last few months. To measure the damages, we tested 600 pages with more than 1,000 fans and publishing at least one post every two days.
90 % of Facebook Pages have an organic reach lower than that of October 2013
A certain decrease in organic reach was expectable. What came as a complete surprise, was the incredible rate at which 90 % of the Pages saw their reach collapse since October 2013. This phenomenon affected all branches, categories and sizes of the pages. Indeed, the update of the newsfeed algorithm meant a loss of more than half of the organic reach for 41 % of the pages studied. There are only a few lucky ones: only 36 pages of 600 saw their reach improve significantly.
The downward trend accelerates
For all the social media managers who saw their results go down in the last months, it is necessary to react fast. Since October 2013, a quarter of the pages having the lowest organic reach did not stop seeing their value going down to only 32 % of their original reach. For them, it’s about time to rethink their strategies. Trying new types of content that have more value for the fan is certainly necessary.