The next installment of our series on Key Performance Indicators is here: Twitter, the bird (of paradise) of the mainstream social networks. Twitter has long since left its niche and turned from a communication tool for the digital elite into a massive information and service platform. But how do you measure performance and development on Twitter? For that, we present you the Top 5 KPIs for Twitter.
5) Tweets per Day
Tweets per Day are a very self-explanatory KPI and seem rather unimportant at first glance. But when you look at this KPI in combination with other KPIs, it becomes very important. For example: If your engagement rate is very high, posting more tweets per day is worth the work – there’s a definite potential. More tweets can increase engagement, seed more content and positively impact overall performance of a profile.
4) Growth Rate
Hopefully your number of followers just keeps growing. The number of followers tells you how many people subscribed to your account, but especially its development, the growth rate, is an important KPI. In general you can assume that larger accounts have smaller growth rates – once you’re at 3 mio. followers, it’s hard to have a 10% increase. Keeping an eye on this KPI is worth it: a sudden drop or big increase of the growth rate can indicate dangers and potential opportunities. When that happens, an evaluation of your account is in order to avoid a negative development or to take advantage of a positive development.
3) Conversations
Conversations are determined by the ratio of @-reply tweets to all tweets, tweets that are interactions with other Twitter profiles. This indicator is especially relevant for service providers, it shows at a glance how high the rate of conversations is. A high conversation rate is interesting for everyone, since like all social networks Twitter lives only through interaction with other users. The higher your conversation rate, the more involved the account is in direct discussions. A moderately high conversation rate by an account that is not geared towards service indicates a well connected and active profile.
2) Engagement
Twitter engagement is calculated by dividing the interactions of users on one day by the number of followers. That includes retweets and favorites, the engagement thus shows, how many follower interacted with the tweets of a profile. The objective should be to increase this KPI. The higher the engagement with the content of any profile, the higher its reach.
1) Profile Performance Index
The PPI shows how many interactions happen on a profile, how engaged the followers are and how fast a profile is growing. The higher it is, the better. A lot of engagement and healthy growth show liveliness and a lot of engagement, which depend on each other. This indicator shows how active an account really is and how strong its ties to the community are. This KPI is especially important to gauge the real „image“ of a profile. A high amount of followers or tweets per day aren’t always indicators for a high quality account.
Find out how to use KPIs the right way with opinions from several experts. Or click to the next part of our series on KPIs to find out more about Facebook and YouTube KPIs and their application.
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Article header by Garrett Heath under CC BY 2.0 license.