Good content is the basis for a successful Facebook page. We recently wrote what “good content” actually means and showed how to build a good content strategy that suits your target group.
But basis means it is just the beginning. It’s worth to check who your fans really are and what else they are interested in before you publish your content. The more you know what they like the better and selective you can work.
Who are your supporters?
We can help you with this by offering you the “Fan Activity Graph” and “Pages with same active fans”. You find both at the insights at “Influencers”.
Let us show you an example. We checked Walmart’s Facebook page.
Here you see where your fans are active as well. That means they are interacting – commenting, liking and sharing – content from this pages as well and are not simply fans.
For instance a campagne with Walmart and Subway could be very successful or they could start a Facebook promotion with T-Mobile.
Explore your network and use it
The Fan Activity Graph shows the connecting between this pages even closer and more detailed.
You see for example that the fans of Walmart are mostly connected to shops – fashion, electronics, supplies and so on. Apparently they use Facebook to check for good buying offers and new items.
If you then go on to check those pages for demographic data or their Top Posts you can achieve really handy and inspiring insights about your target group on Facebook and optimize your content strategy using this knowledge. Get started today!
Get to know your fans: Try Fanpage Karma for free!