A couple of weeks ago we showed you 9 Fanpage Karma features that you might have not known.
Apparently we were right about the “might not know” part, because we received a lot of mail from you, asking us to show you more of these “hidden” gems, that are buried inside of Fanpage Karma’s vast amount of features. And since we can’t say no to you guys, here are six more awesome features, that you might not know:
1. Profile administration

We already introduced you to our account administration, where you can manage your paid version of Fanpage Karma in the last article about “hidden” features. Of course this easy and fast way of managin your data is also possible for your user profile as well. Here you can change your name, language, email address (for alerts and reports), time zone (for the time picker) and currency (for the ad value) or deactivate your account. Just click on your name on the upper right or just click here.
2. Video analysis

A lot of you already use Fanpage Karma to analyze your YouTube channels. What you might not know: You can also analyze particular videos and their development. You go to “Video views”, click on a video and then on “Show details”.
The video analysis also works for multiple videos at once, which you can compare and benchmark. You can find more information about the analysis here.
3. New alert management

Our alerts and the morning report are very popular with a lot of you. The Post Alert (formerly known as “Instant Alert”) gives you notice if a page publishes a new post, the Shitstorm Alert tells your when there are is a lot of interaction and the Morning Report keeps you up to date every morning. Managing your alerts/reports is now easier with all of them being under the “Monitoring” tab.
4. Twitter influencers

We also updated our Twitter analysis (and there’s more to come). You can now get detailed information about your follower network: Which influential profiles are following your, who might be of interest to you and who might be interested in you are just a couple of insights that’s waiting for you. The complete influencer analysis can be found under “Influencers” in your Twitter profile analytics-page. But since we need some non public data to process this data, that feature is only available for your own Twitter account.
5. Tag filter

If you want to get a more in-depth analysis of your Facebook posts, our Tagging is the perfect feature for you. It allows you to tag your posts and cross-analyze these tags to get really refined insights into what works best and what doesn’t. But what you may not know is that you can also filter all our post related analytics by these tags. Just click on “Filter by tags”, choose your tags and take your analsis to a whole new level – as always that’s possible for any Facebook page, not just you own.
6. Analyze subpage of global pages

Facebook offers big companies the option to turn their page(s) into a global page network. That way, a user always visits the same page (e.g. facebook.com/PlayStation), but only sees the content of the dedicated location based subpage. So if you try to analyze that page (facebook.com/PlayStation) with Fanpage Karma, you’ll see the data of that global page. If you want to take a look at the different subpages, just click on “show all” and choose the page you want to analyze.
What’s your favourite “hidden” Fanpage Karma feature? Post it in the comments!
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