Do you want to direct users from your social media profile to your blog, website, or web store? If so, your posts need to be enticing enough for people to click on their links. But how can you judge whether enough clicks are happening?
We have analyzed 96 thousand profiles and determined the benchmarks for click-through rates on Facebook. You can use them to rank yourself and see if you are performing above or below average compared to similarly sized profiles. Then you’ll know if you should continue doing the same or improve your content. Let’s have a look at the benchmarks!
The Smaller the Profile, the Higher the Click-Through Rate
The click-through rate indicates what percentage of the people reached clicked on a link in a post. This can be a click on the link in the caption, on the linked graphic or the call-to-action button below. In any case, the higher the CTR, the better the post succeeds in convincing the user of the offer in question. But what does “high” actually mean?
It turns out that profiles with less than a thousand followers achieve the highest CTR. The value is 2.2% on average. The strongest profiles in this size category even achieve 6.3%.
As the number of followers increases, the average CTR decreases. Profiles between a thousand and ten thousand followers manage to get 1.8% of the people they reach to click on the links in their posts. For profiles with up to one hundred thousand followers, the figure is still 1.3%. Facebook pages with up to five hundred thousand followers manage 1%. Profiles that have even more followers, the value drops to 0.8%.
Put your own Profile to the Test and Determine and Optimize Your Click-Through Rate
The fact that small profiles achieve a higher CTR is no surprise, as they often have closer relationship with their communities. However, it’s also clear that very large profiles draw many more people to external websites in absolute terms. Let’s say a profile in the largest category reaches a million users with one post. With a CTR of 0.8%, that means eight thousand people click on the link and get to the corresponding website. Not bad for a single post. A profile with fifty thousand followers, on the other hand, only achieves 650 users with a CTR of 1.3%.
The click-through rate is an excellent metric to measure the persuasiveness of posts that link to external pages. If your goal is to drive users from a Facebook page to a website, then you should definitely look at how high the CTR of your posts is and compare it to these benchmarks. If you are below the benchmark, you should try to optimize post captions, graphics and videos as well as link titles and call-to-actions.
Now it’s your turn!
Want to know how to determine the click-through rate of your Facebook page? Use the free performance test to find out the CTR and other strengths and weaknesses of your Instagram and Facebook profiles and follow all the tips step by step to improve your click-through rate. Evaluate performance now!