How successfully do fashion brands reach their audience on TikTok? Big brands like Netflix already started using TikTok for their marketing in early 2019. As the youngest social network, TikTok currently offers the highest rate for organic reach. Companies can reach almost 700 million users, potentially cheaper than on other platforms. TikTok also highly motivates its users to interact with the content.
We analyzed 11 of the most popular fashion brands to show you how well they use TikTok in 2021 to increase brand awareness.
Gucci as a pioneer in the fashion industry
With 1.4 million followers, Gucci’s TikTok profile ranks first in the list. Dior follows with 1.3 million and Louis Vuitton with 1.2 million followers. Prada follows with a significant gap, registering only 294,900 followers on TikTok. On the last spot, we see Givenchy with a little more than 14 thousand followers.

Valentino has the fastest-growing profile. It grew by 36 % in September 2021 only. All the other profiles grew by less than 5 %.

The Famous ones Publish less
All of these profiles have low post frequencies. Dior posted 0.8 times a day on average in 2021 and is already the best-performing one. Jean Paul Gaultier posted only 0.3 times a day. Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton published merely 0.2 times a day, which translates roughly to 1 post per week.

7 Million Views on Average
The number of video views is a popular metric on TikTok, as it is a simple indicator of how popular the videos are. If you divide the total number of videos of each profile by the total number of all plays, you get the average views per video.
With more than 7 million views on average, Prada ranks as number one. Louis Vuitton follows with 3.8 million plays. Givenchy is in the last place with just over a thousand views per video. The differences between the profiles are as prominent as with the number of followers. The fact that Prada and Louis Vuitton are leading again is also striking.
217 % Engagement for Valentino
Taking a look at the engagement will show who encourages their followers to interact the most. Engagement is the average number of interactions on a post per follower per day. By dividing by the number of followers, the engagement becomes independent of the size of the profile. This makes profiles comparable.
Valentino was the last brand to join TikTok and published its first video on 08.07.21. The 10 videos they published to date have an engagement rate of 217 %. This number is remarkably high, which becomes more evident when compared to the other profiles.

Louis Vuitton reaches an engagement of 2.3 %, followed by Saint Laurent with 1.3 %. All other profiles approach less than 1 % engagement on TikTok. Valentino’s immense numbers result from the fact that the profile still has very few followers but achieves lots of views per video. As soon as their follower numbers reach a level around one million, the engagement should saturate to lower numbers.
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Simple Content High Return
To gain an even better understanding of why these profiles are so successful, it’s worth taking a look at the content. Now we will examine the most popular video of each profile from 2021. The video with the most plays is determined as the most popular one for each profile.
Dior uses the format TikTok is best known for: the dance video. Using a popular format increases the chance that this video will be well received by the target audience.
Dolce & Gabbana
Dolce & Gabbana tries a similar tactic and uses the popular dance video. Users find it easier to interact with the content and leave more than 28 thousand likes.
Fendi shows us different outfits in multiple shots. The female talent presents the pieces subtly to increase the interest. This way, the video feels more authentic and less like an advertisement. And it seems to work the video receives 2.2 million views.
Different outfits are presented in a low-key setting. This type of display creates a mystery around the clothing and hopefully creates a demand. This video is not a typical TikTok format and feels more like an advertisement. Givenchy’s products are highlighted this way.
This video feels like a typical advertisement. It promotes the collaboration between Gucci and Balenciaga. The impressive setting makes the video and the displayed clothes seem like an attraction or something special.
Jean Paul Gaultier
Jean Paul Gaultier uses another popular TikTok format to gain lots of plays effortlessly. Users can easily interact with this video without necessarily being interested in clothing. This strategy allows the brand to reach new potential customers.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton hired the popular South Korean boy band BTS for their campaign. The idea is to reach a new young target audience with this collaboration. 28.7 million views make this video the most popular one among all analyzed profiles.
Prada’s video looks like an advertising video, with a clear focus on the products. The intention is to present various products to users interested in fashion.
Saint Laurent
The clothing shown is further enhanced by the imposing setting. This video has a similar function to that of Prada or Givenchy and thus achieves 12.7 million views.
Valentino relies on influencer Lisa Pedace in their video. This video feels authentic and presents Valentino’s products a bit more subtly, although it is very clear to see. There’s more of a storytelling focus here than a product preview.
This is a classic promotional video designed to promote Versace products.
If you compare all the videos with each other, you will notice that they are all very similar. The products of the brands are clearly in focus in each video. Settings and motifs which are typical for the fashion industry are used. Four of the eleven videos are based on common TikTok formats, while the rest are very close to an advertising video. The storyline in the videos is generally simple and straightforward.
Louis Vuitton is currently the most successful luxury brand on TikTok for 2021. The luxury brand seems to have understood best how to reach its target group on TikTok and motivate them to interact.
The fashion brands’ profiles show that TikTok is an excellent channel for building brand awareness in the industry. Every single profile has performed with above-average success since the first post. This success is explained in part by the brands’ general awareness and popularity in other media. The videos are kept simple and clearly highlight the brands’ products. Luxury brands have understood how to skillfully use the platform’s formats to reach a new target group here and expand their reach.
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