At the end of last year, we took the first step towards YouTube analytics and started our closed betatest. A lot of you have participated and have sent over valuable feedback.
Today we’re happy to present the result: Our (kind of) final YouTube Analytics.
Compare and Analyze Channels
Your YouTube dashboards show your all the important KPIs, just like you know it. The only difference to your Facebook and Twitter dashboard are the little green and red numbers, which show you the development of that value within your chosen time period.

Right beneath your dashboard is the benchmarking area where you can compare the development of alle the channels in detail.

Detailed Video Analytics
In addition to the channel related data, YouTube also provides some interesting stuff for each video, which you can analyze with Fanpage Karma.
All you have to do is to go to detailed channel analysis, scroll down to the “Content” tab and click on one of the little dots or choose a video from the table beneath.

The detailed analysis shows you the “standard” video data (Description, Publishing Date, Duration etc.) and the development of Views, Comments, Likes and Dislikes in your chosen time period.

But that’s not all. Under the “Video comparison” tab in the Channel Insights you can also benchmark certain videos.

The YouTube Analytics are free for all users until the 25th of March. After that it will be available to all customers who signed up for the Business Version.
Got Feedback? Please send us your suggestions and thoughts about this new feature. We’d love to hear from you.
Try It Now For FreeOver! 100 Companies are analyzing their videos with us already. What are you waiting for?