Close to the elections, it’s the perfect time to have a look at the different Facebook Marketing strategies of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.
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Wir kehren gerade vom CommunityCamp Berlin zurück, dem Klassen-Treffen der Deutschen Social Media Szene. Ein Wochenende lang haben sich ü One of the most popular features of Fanpage Karma are the Facebook Rankings. Rankings are fun, informative and attract a lot of attention. Everyone can create a Fanpage Ranking and its for free. Now comes a big improvem
The heart of Fanpage Karma is your dashboard. Here you can monitor all statistics and insights of any Facebook page you like. And now it’s getting even better… Today, we introduce amazing updates to the functionalities It’s just some weeks ago that we announced the new dashboard export to Excel. Now we proudly present the second part of our Excel Expo Paulo Coelho‘s books have been translated to more than 62 languages. An amazing success that also reflects in his Facebook marketing statistics: Almost ten million fans aTOP 10 Facebook KPIs – Critical Review
This week on Facebook
Create a Facebook Ranking for your blog
Introducing Twitter Dashboards and Analytics
Manage and share multiple dashboards
Create Excel Reports for any Facebook fanpage
The Language Problem on Facebook: How Paulo Coelho Speaks in Two Languages at Once…