We have a new feature that is guaranteed to organize your inbox conversations better and improve workflows! From now on, messages that you have assigned to specific topics using tags can be displayed in separate folders. Collect Messages by Tags…
NEW: Reply to LinkedIn Messages with Fanpage Karma
You can now reply to your LinkedIn messages directly out of the Fanpage Karma inbox. Respond to LinkedIn Comments All comments on posts of your LinkedIn Company Profile now go to the same inbox as your emails and messages from…
Merger of the Facebook Messengers
Facebook is reported to be merging WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger by early 2020, as Independent states. Aim of the change is the improvement of communication of the billions of users of the apps. The end-to-end encryption of the messenger…
WhatsApp Community Management Made Easy
Are you using WhatsApp for your community management? WhatsApp is perfect for a fast exchange of information between a company and their customers. For the community manager, however, it is yet another network that needs tending. We can make it…
6 free tools for awesome (info)graphics
Social media people love pictures. And with stock image distributors like Getty or Shutterstock it’s pr
Users react twice as often on Facebook posts when it rains
Usually, a lot of factors are considered before posting on Facebook: day, time or posting type are just three of them. But one important thing has always been ignored: Which influence does the weather have? A
How do your fans interact with your page?
We have something new. Fanpage Karma always wants page administrators to get to know their fans better. Now we added a new analytic possibility for that: the Fan-Retention.
It’s the goal of every page to reach as many